Announcements Week 37 (08-14 June, 2009)
It is exam week, all regular classes are done for this school year. We will still be seeing each other for afternoon study hall etc. I will be posting some Sock Monkey updates as well as Sock Monster information for those of you who have asked for it!
Grade 6
The Sock Monkeys are beautiful - make sure a photo is taken of your monkey by the end of next week. If you are still sewing, the Art Room is open during first break and lunch - there are always kids here sewing, so come!
Grade 7
The second Flipbook challenge is done. Come and pick up your Flipbook 2 from me this week along with your grade for this final challenge. They look good!
Grade 8 IGCSE candidates going into Grade 9, we have a meeting on Wednesday, June 10 at 12:45 to go over your summer assignment and for me to answer any last minute questions you might have. The IGCSE Summer Blog is up and running - bookmark it, it is is your reference for the 12 Variations assignment. You should also bookmark Ms. Krugman's blog which you will be using in high school next year.
All Middle Schoolers
Please remember to come and pick up your Development Sketchbooks as well any other art that is still here in the art room.