Sunday, September 7, 2008


This year the only supply that you will need to buy is your Development Sketchbook.

On occasion throughout the year you might be asked to go and shop for a particular specialty item when we are working on various projects, but you will not need paint, pencils, brushes or paper - those will be provided in the classroom for you.

Your sketchbook should be A4 in size and bound, not spiral. IF you are continuing with your Development Sketchbook from last year (Grade 7 and Grade 8) then you do not need to buy a book.

We will talk in class this week about the books and I will show you examples of the type of book you should be looking for.

Meanwhile check out this link to Dan Hillier's website. He is an artist who has some examples of his own sketchbooks and they are amazing. Make sure you scroll through the pages.