Saturday, May 30, 2009

Announcements Week 36 (01-05 June, 2009)

All Middle Schoolers are invited to enter into the Global Community Project, In Peace Together, if you are interested read the link that I posted and then come and see me if you have any further questions.

Grade 6

This is the week that the Sock Monkeys really come together. Most of you will finish them this week. You have torsos, tails, arms, and ears ready. Some of you have even made hearts. Get ready to do some serious sewing this week.

Grade 7
I posted two examples of the sticky-note flipbooks, scroll down and take a look. Everybody is now working on their larger, loose-leaf format with nice heavy weight paper, which will be bound using a bull-clip. These are all due this coming Friday, June 5th - our last art lesson together!

Grade 8
One class left. Last week you were challenged to make a sticky-note flipbook like the 7's had been making. I posted two examples of student work just below - take a look. One challenge left, for our last lesson together. See you bright and early on Monday morning!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Flipbook 3

Yo-Yo by Çiğdem Kökenöz

Flipbook 2

The sticky-note flipbook challenges have been fabulous. Watch The Balloon by Deniz Özişik in Grade 8.

Abstract 2

Abstract by Ela Altay

The Abstract Watercolours that you painted a few weeks ago are now uploaded and ready for everybody to look at. Click on Ela's picture to view the rest of the paintings. These turned out to be extremely successful. Congratulations!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ephesus Blog Completed

The Ephesus Blog is complete. Everybody has been published. You should take a look and share this with your family and friends. It looks amazing.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Announcements Week 35 (25-31 May, 2009)

All Middle Schoolers are invited to enter into the Global Community Project, In Peace Together, if you are interested read the link that I posted and then come and see me if you have any further questions.

Grade 6

Many of you completed your torsos last week and have started on tails. The sewing is looking fabulous and I am excited to see the monkeys begin to take shape.

Grade 7
You completed your first flipbook using a sticky-note pad. Those of you who did not hand them during class on Friday are expected to deliver them during the first ten minutes of your first lesson with me this week. This week you will begin working on your second flipbook, which will be completed on larger cut paper and bound with a bull clip. Remember that I am expecting to see a story, and that your flipbook will need to be at least 30 "frames" (pages) long.

Grade 8
Two classes left. You will complete two more in studio challenges before the end of this school year. Come ready to strain your brain!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Flipbook 1

Cut out Flipbook - The most popular videos are a click away

Your next assignment is to create a Flipbook. I have asked you to think about what you might draw. The best thing to do is to choose an object that you want to see move, that you also know you can draw with relative ease. Then you should write a short description of what you want to see happen in your book.

For example, I might want to draw:
A dragon setting light to a pile of sticks while sitting in front of her cave

Things that I might then think of are:
  • Exactly what my dragon looks like and can I draw her again and again? And then...
  • She is sitting, while she is trying to light the fire
  • I imagine in my head that I will have to draw her lowering her head towards the sticks, puffing up her cheeks, and blowing through pursed lips
  • She might try several times and then a small flame will appear
  • The flame will not quite reach the sticks at first
  • Her head will pull back before she leans down to try again
  • Suddenly the sticks catch fire
  • The dragon will lean back and sits contentedly watching her fire burn
Or you could choose something much more simple, but just as enjoyable.

In class you will be creating two Flipbooks; one using a sticky note pad and another using art papers.

In Peace Together


We invite children the world over to participate in the creation of an enormous global peace puzzle.

To all Middle School Students,

You are invited to create a picture that represents your idea of PEACE. Your picture should be 30 x 30 cm in size and submitted to me, Ms. Lacoste, no later than Friday, June 5, 2009

"This celebration of peace is designed to allow children a means of contributing to a brighter future.

We are asking children around the globe to paint a picture of peace. We will then mount these pictures onto puzzle pieces here in Canada and assemble an enormous, global peace puzzle. So far the response by the children has been incredible. We are inviting your students to take part in this inspiring project. Please visit for details on how to participate."

See me if you are interested in participating. I will explain the details to you and help you get your artwork submitted on time.

Ms. Lacoste

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Announcements Week 34 (18-24 May, 2009)

Grade 6
You have started actually sewing your Sock Monkeys! After what seemed like forever, learning how to back stitch, everybody got off to a great start on their Sock #1 - the torso and legs. Looking good, nice sewing everybody. This week we continue...

Grade 7
The Haiku Prints challenged you to make a leap from judging process and not product. The printing was an imperfect scenario due to challenges with the materials, but the most important thing was for you to complete 3 prints in the given time and to understand the process - not for them to be the most amazing art that you have ever made, which, let's face it, they weren't! Good work on the timed challenge.

Grade 8
The Abstract water colours based on a photograph of your from Ephesus were hugely successful. We will be assessing them this week and then moving onto our last few lessons together this year. Time is flying.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Announcements Week 33 (11-17 May, 2009)

Grade 6
Last week you learned how to back stitch as well as completed a full description of who you imagine your Sock Monkey will be when s/he is completed. This week we get down to the real challenge of sewing.

Grade 7
Your Haiku print is designed and this week you will complete a series of prints.

Grade 8
I am finishing the Efes Blog this week, if you have not submitted your pictures then you will need to make an appointment to see both Ms. Helmer and I.

This week for the Abstract project you will be:

  1. Handing in your 3 sketches as well as sketch paintings
  2. Completing a presentation quality final
  3. Handing everything in with your completed rubric
  4. Taking your Art Work down from the walls and taking it home with you

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Haiku 3 - The Print

The final piece in your Haiku trilogy is a print. You will be creating a simple print based on a line drawing that represents your haiku. In class you will be using simple Styrofoam plates to create your prints.

Picture 1 - The Sketch

The first step is to draw your image. Something to keep in mind when drawing: Each line will become "negative" space in your print. What you see as dark in your drawing will become white in your print.

Picture 2 - The Plate

The second step is to transfer your drawing onto your printing plate. Remember this: If you want your image to print in the same orientation (view) as you drew it, you will need to transfer your sketch onto the printing plate in reverse. Compare picture 1 and picture 2 (picture 2 is in reverse).

Picture 3 - The Print

The third step is to print. You will be using a acrylic paints and fine art paper for your actual prints.

Materials needed:
  • Pencil
  • Paper (for sketch)
  • Styrofoam Plate
  • Pens, Nails other like objects (to etch with)
  • Art Paper (to print on)
  • Acrylic Paint (print medium)
  • Acetate (print palette)
  • Paint Roller

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sock Monkey 1

Gusteau Bakiler

We are really starting our Sock Monkeys this week. You will need to have 1 pair (2 socks), a needle and some thread in order to make your monkeys. The first thing that you are going to do is lean how to sew, so come prepared to do some stitching in your Development Sketchbooks.

In Your Development Sketchbook
You should have written an exploration of who your Monkey is going to be and how you think it is possible to create a Monkey from two socks. I asked you to think about the following things:
  1. What kind of character do you think your Sock Monkey will be?
  2. How do you know what kind of personality traits s/he will have?
  3. Do you think that the colour and pattern of your sock helps determine who your Sock Monkey will be?
  4. Draw a diagram of how you think the socks will become the various parts of your Monkey
  5. Once you have understood how all the parts of the Sock will become a Monkey you will draw an accurate Monkey based on your actual Socks

Nuts Arapgirlioğlu

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Announcements Week 32 (04 - 10 May, 2009)

This will be our first uninterrupted week in a while, so hopefully things will move along smoothly...

Grade 6

If you have not already, bring socks and a needle.

Grade 7
The Haiku print is the last in your series of Haiku illustrations, you will design and complete a series of prints this week.

Grade 8
As you have now all seen in class the Efes Blog is looking great. Make sure that you get your pictures to me this week if you have not done so, that way we can talk seriously about publishing a book.

This week you be:

  1. Finalizing your Abstract of your photo
  2. Painting it as a watercolour that is presentation quality
  3. Completing the rubric and handing it in with your final work